Social justice is a type of justice rooted in the idea that all people should have equal rights, opportunity and treatment. This course offers students the opportunity to critically analyze social care and justice and explore its applications to a range of service and user groups to enhance their capacity to act as a force for progressive social change. Through a series of lectures, problem-based learning activities, engaging discussions, and creative research, students acquire knowledge and skills that help them to facilitate representation at the personal, organizational and political levels of society. The gained knowledge and sets of skills also help them to promote the concept of relationality in all aspects of social care to advance social inclusion, social justice, and equality. Students explore a range of topics that include the values of recognition, respect in all social care domains and in society generally, redistributive and social justice, redressing unequal relations, care for oneself and for others, inequality, domination, collective empowerment, and resistance among others. Students develop an understanding of the theoretical, social, and historical underpinnings of various equity and social justice issues and analyze strategies for bringing about positive social change in their societies.