This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between Islamic principles and environmentalism. Unveiling the rich tapestry of environmental philosophy within Islamic movements, this course delves into the profound connections woven through Islamic scriptures and traditions, offering insights to address contemporary environmental challenges. Students will engage in a nuanced examination of environmental and sustainability themes, not only from Islamic perspectives but also within the broader context of global environmental discourse. Focused on both local and Canadian contexts, students will discern the interconnectedness of environmental concerns on a global scale. Throughout this course, students will navigate the intricate web of environmental issues, transcending geographical boundaries to understand the interdependence of local challenges with broader global dynamics. Drawing on local and regional examples, they will explore how environmental and sustainability issues intertwine with social, economic, political, and cultural themes, fostering a holistic understanding of the multifaceted nature of environmental challenges. Key topics covered include Islamic ecological philosophy, the application of Shariʿah-based environmental law, insights into Islamic environmental activism, considerations of human sovereignty in managing natural resources, the profound concept of divine unity in Islamic ecology, the principle of balance (mizan) in eco-systems, and the prohibitions against contamination of land, water, and air. This course invites students to engage critically with these themes, encouraging discussions and analyses that transcend boundaries and contribute to a nuanced understanding of Islamic environmentalism. Students will gain insights into the intricate environmental principles embedded in Islamic traditions but will also be equipped to apply these perspectives to contemporary environmental challenges on both local and global scales.