• Review, assess, define, interpret, explain, analyze, discuss, and critique information, data, ideas, assumptions, concepts, theories, and analysis related to the history, doctrines, and practices of Islam, the study of Islam and Muslim civilization, and issues facing Muslims truthfully, clearly and graciously through speaking or writing or any other medium to diverse audiences.  

  • Make well-supported, reasoned, and coherent arguments and propose informed solutions to issues related to Islam and/or the study of Islam and Muslim civilization, by drawing on and applying content knowledge and diverse theories and methods from Islamic disciplines and from non-Islamic disciplines engaged in the study of Islam and Muslim civilization.  

  • Use research, writing and presentation skills relevant to both academic and non-academic workplace environments, including linguistic (Arabic) and translation competence, and skills required for collecting and analyzing data, citation management, utilizing primary, secondary, and multimedia resources, quantitative and qualitative research methods, database searching and conducting literature reviews.  

  • Relate theoretical knowledge from one Islamic discipline to another, and from Islamic to other (non-Islamic) disciplines, and vice versa, and assess critically the theoretical and methodological (in)adequacy of the disciplines within and beyond their frontiers.  

  • Plan, design, prepare and carry out research activities, both individually and in collaboration with others, that aim at achieving significant learning goals and at answering specific questions on issues related to Islam and/or the study of Islam and Muslim Civilization, by analyzing, synthesizing, and problematizing diverse research findings related to Islam or the study of Islam and Muslim Civilization.  

  • Evaluate and reflect critically upon Islamic principles and values and upon their own knowledge, behaviours and actions, as they relate to their personal and professional growth, ethics, broader intellectual and civic engagements with fellow citizens, and building a sense of responsibility and accountability within modern, inclusive and diverse environments.  

  • Build and maintain positive working relationships and make meaningful connections with the College, students, the community, community partners, and members of other professions, both within and outside the community, and explore job opportunities and/or graduate-level studies suitable for and/or available to them.  

  • Identify their learning needs, evaluate and apply strategies for acquiring new knowledge and skills in changing circumstances both within and outside of the field of Islamic Studies.  

  • Apply effectively their knowledge and skills in real-life work environments and evaluate strategies for analyzing academic and social problems and presenting solutions ethically, collaboratively, responsibly, and with integrity. 

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